Just a trifle

Don’t ask for news from hungry people. This reminds me of a story:

The Cadi, returning from Ankara after three month of absence, was resting for lunch on the road-side by the forest. The meal was as rich as the cadi, Aksehir in sight but still far away downhill. Tired and hungry, Hodja appeared and was pleasantly surprised to meet food at the right time, when his belly urged for it.

“Salaam Aleicum, Cadi Effendi”

“Aleicum Salaam, Hodja Effendi”

Hodja, hopeful, sat down by the Cadi’s carpet. The Cadi went on eating alone. After a while, Nasrudin said:

“You were away for a long while…”

Chewing a good morsel, the cadi replied:

“Yes. There are good news home, I hope.”

“Well…” said Hodja, "This reminds me of a story.” And without waiting he continued:

“You know, there was a rich man having lunch on the roadside. A hungry old man from his hometown came by and sat with him. The rich man asked:

"'How are things home? Good news I hope!' The old man replied, careful not to spoil his appetite:

“'Don’t worry, all’s well. Except for a trifle; your dog died.'

“'My dog died? Sad news, she was a good dog. How did that come to be?' the rich man asked.

“'Don’t worry! She died happy! She choked on one of your horse's bones.'

“'My horse? My horse died too? How did such a thing happen?'

“'It so happened that he got crushed when the stable collapsed.'

“'The stable collapsed? This is terrible! How did that come to pass?'

“'Keep calm! It’s only that your house burned, and lit the stable too.'

“'Allah have mercy! Why did my house burn?'

“'Because of a mere candle. It fell on the carpet when your wife dropped dead. She knocked it down…'

“'My wife, Fatima dead? This is too much! I can’t see any more, my eye-sight is turning black!'

“'Oh, compose yourself! Be a man! She died of a broken heart like a good mother, since your three sons perished.'

“'I’m cursed!'

“'You know how life is. What is born will die. They were not the only ones. Many people were taken by the plague this summer. It was Allah’s will.'"

At this point the Cadi couldn’t bear it any more:

“Stop!” he said. “I don’t want news. Why don’t you finish my lunch, while I hurry home. It happens that I lost my appetite.”

And he rushed away while Nasrudin returned his right sleeve and stretched out his hand above the food. Of course, not before thanking Allah: "In the name of God, most gracious, most merciful. Thank you Lord for this food which I am about to receive..."


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