
Showing posts from 2014

Bibliography of Nasruddin story books and publications

TO SEE THE 111 NASREDDIN STORIES CLICK HERE Then, read the stories upwards; as many other things these stories are piled-up upside down, or better said, downside-up. Well, I am kidding. In fact I published them from first to last but the blogging logic believes that old posts are to be chased away by the new ones. Bibliography of Nasreddin story books and publications[i] Compiled 2004, Ioan Tenner 202 jokes of Nasreddin Hodja. Minyatür ed. Tepeba¸si, Istanbul, Turkey : Galeri Minyatür, [198-?] Ak, Vedat, Nasreddin Hoca fikralari, Ankara, Karde¸s Matbaasi, 1963. Aksöy M., A., Nasreddin Hoca ve hikâyeleri, Istanbul, 1958 Alekuzei, Rabani, Süsse Geschichten [von] Mula Nasroddin. Aus dem Altpersischen van Rabani Alekuzei. Illustriert von Elfriede Weidenhaus. [Stuttgart] Collispress [c1969] Ali Elmi, Haj Muhammad Bookstore, Kitabi Mulla Nasreddin Musawwar/ Book of Mulla Nasreddin, Illustrated, Elmi Press, 1331 Persian Solar year, 5th ed Aryanpur Kashani...